Steps to Enable Event Monitoring dashboards in PROD/Sandbox


I am going to produce the steps to Enable Event Monitoring dashboards in Salesforce Sandbox /Production Environment….

Pre-Requisite: >> Enable Analytics >> Setup >> Analytics >> enable Analytics (This is a major step without this you won’t see analytics studio app)

  1. Setup >> Event Monitoring >> Enable Login Forensics and Event Log File Integration with Event Monitoring Analytics App
  • Open Analytics studio app >> Click on that and a new tab will open (FYI., pop up from browser might block this so set it to allow)
  • Create >> Click on it
  • Follow the below screen steps
  • You will see steps 1 to 5 don’t change anything except the no. of days to 30
  • Name the App “Event Monitoring App”
  • The app will run and you will see the below screenshot and an email will be sent once its ready.

Hope you got all the details!

Anil B [03/03/2019]