Check for Empty strings in Java Script

Below is the code for checking the Empty Strings present in the Java Script

string str;

if(str != ‘undefined’ && str != null && str != ” && str != undefined && str != ‘null’ && str != ‘ ‘ && str.trim() != ”)
// if string is not empty do your logic

else // if string is empty
do your logic

Using this we can check the empty strings in JavaScript.

Sumanth A [10/25/18]

Publish Community Site – Guest User

After creating the Custom Component and related Java Scripts for the Site we need to Publish it in order for the Guest User to access the Site

Setup -> All Communities -> Open the Communities and Choose the Site created -> Click on the Builder present next to Site Name -> Click on Home ->

set the Public access to Public can access the community

Change page Access to Community default setting: Public

Click on Preview to look at How the Site looks –> Click on Publish.

Now the site is successfully published and is visible and can be accessed by Guest users.

Chandra [10/17/2018]

Notes and Attachments in Salesforce Lightning

Users may have noticed that Files under the Notes & Attachments related list don’t show up on the Account record when a user switches to Lightning Experience, however the same files are available when you switch back to Salesforce Classic.

Similarly, the same behavior can be observed when converting leads with attachments:

1. Create a Lead
2. Add a attachment to the lead [Newly added attachment shows up under the Notes & Attachments related list in Salesforce Classic]
3. Now convert the lead by creating a new account ‘or’ Add to an existing account
4. Open the newly created account in Salesforce Classic and you will see the attachment record created in Step 2
5. Switch over to Lightning Experience and navigate to the account, you will not see the attachment under the Notes & Attachment related list.

Note: Upload a File under the Notes & Attachments for a Lead record in Lightning Experience. When a lead is converted, the file will not get transferred to contact/account. The attachment in lightning experience is an action to upload a “File”. At the moment, Files don’t support the roll-up during lead conversion. Thus, the “Files” are not visible in contact/account.

 Apex Class :

public class AccountAttachmentsController {

public static map<string,list<sObject>> getAllRelatedAttachments(string accountID){
set<id> parentIDs=new set<id>();
map<string,list<sObject>> mpAttachment=new map<string,list<sObject>>();

Account objAccount=[select id,(select id from contacts),(select id from Orders),(select id from Cases),(select id from ActivityHistories ORDER BY ActivityDate DESC , LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 500),(select id from OpenActivities ORDER BY ActivityDate ASC , LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 500),(select id from Opportunities)
,(select id from Deliveries__r),(select id from Invoices__r)
from Account where id=:accountID];


for(contact objContact: objAccount.contacts){

for(Case objCase: objAccount.Cases){

for(Order objOrder: objAccount.Orders){

for(Opportunity objOpportunity: objAccount.Opportunities){

for(ActivityHistory objTask: objAccount.ActivityHistories){


for(OpenActivity objTask: objAccount.OpenActivities){


for(Deliveries__c objDelivery: objAccount.Deliveries__r){

for(Invoice__c objInvoice: objAccount.Invoices__r){



mpAttachment.put(‘Attachment’,new list<attachment>([select id,Name,Body,BodyLength,ContentType,Description,
LastModifiedById,LastModifiedBy.Name,CreatedById,CreatedBy.Name from attachment where ParentId in:parentIDs ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC]));
mpAttachment.put(‘File’,new list<ContentDocumentLink>([SELECT ContentDocumentId,LinkedEntityId,LinkedEntity.Name,ContentDocument.ContentAssetId,
ContentDocument.LastModifiedById,ContentDocument.CreatedById,ContentDocument.CreatedBy.Name FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId in :parentIDs ORDER BY ContentDocument.LastModifiedDate DESC]));


}catch(Exception ex){
throw new AuraHandledException(‘Error occurred: ‘ + ex.getMessage());
return mpAttachment;

In my case, we have attachments that are related to child objects(Contacts, Cases, Orders, Opportunities, Activity History, Open Activities, Invoices, Deliveries). If you just want attachments that are related to any specific child object you can just query the same.

Helper Class :

getAllAttachments : function(component,event,helper) {
var action = component.get(“c.getAllRelatedAttachments”);
“accountID” : component.get(“v.recordId”)
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if(state === “SUCCESS”){
let returnList=[];
let allAttachmentes=response.getReturnValue();
if(allAttachmentes!=undefined && allAttachmentes.length!=0){
for(let i=0;i<allAttachmentes[‘Attachment’].length;i++){
“formatedDate”:this.formatDate(new Date(allAttachmentes[‘Attachment’][i][“LastModifiedDate”].substring(0,10)))
if(allAttachmentes[‘File’]!=undefined && allAttachmentes[‘File’].length!=0){
for(let i=0;i<allAttachmentes[‘File’].length;i++){
“formatedDate”:this.formatDate(new Date(allAttachmentes[‘File’][i][“ContentDocument”].LastModifiedDate.substring(0,10)))
}else if (state === “ERROR”) {
var errors = response.getError();
if (errors) {
if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
“title”: “ERROR”,
“message”: “Error message: ” + errors[0].message,
“type”: “error”
} else {

“title”: “ERROR”,
“message”: “Unknown error”,
“type”: “error”

Note : Hope this should really solve the issue. If not, please get in touch with me:

–  Yeshas Konduru [10/11/18]

Customizing Home Page in Lightning

In Salesforce Classic we have the Custom Links on the Home Page as a Standard Feature.

But, We do not find the custom links feature on the Lightning Home Page. In case if you want to have the custom Links component on the Home page of Lightning you can proceed further.

We need build component in lightning to Configure the  Custom Links on the Lightning Home Page


From the Above example, Users can access the custom link on Tableau Reports from the Custom Component placed on the lightning page.

Bringing the Salesforce Classic Custom Link feature into Lightning.

-Aneesh [10/10/2018]

Email Template on Custom Object

Custom Object Not Showing Up in the Select Field Type Drop Down.

I faced this problem, the Custom Object was not showing in the drop down list. Since, there was a Standard object with the same name.
When I try to merge the Fields in the Email Template I was looking at the standard object fields.

Example:                 Case                      Standard Object
Case__c              Custom Object

How I resolved:

Just change the label of the Custom Object. This brings out the custom object in the drop down list of the Select Field Type.

Now you can merge the required fields into the Email Template

– Chandra [10/12/18]