Custom Object Not Showing Up in the Select Field Type Drop Down.
I faced this problem, the Custom Object was not showing in the drop down list. Since, there was a Standard object with the same name.
When I try to merge the Fields in the Email Template I was looking at the standard object fields.
Example: Case Standard Object
Case__c Custom Object
How I resolved:
Just change the label of the Custom Object. This brings out the custom object in the drop down list of the Select Field Type.
Now you can merge the required fields into the Email Template
– Chandra [10/12/18]
Thanks for this. I have faced the same issue but now in a more unusual way. I have two objects with the same name but both are form packaged apps – so i can’t rename the label on either. I tried to force the merge fields by simply typing them in but then face teh following error: A parsing error occurred saving the template: Syntax error. Found ‘/’. Please make sure all merge fields are correctly formatted. As it happens, one package is going out the window, so, problem solved. I thought i’d post this just in case someone else… Read more »
Thanks Aamir.
I faced this issue the same as you
Thanks for sharing an idea.
Thanks mate this helped me today